Conductivity Meter
- Measurement range: 0~20μS/cm
- Accuracy: 1.5% (FS)
- Stability: 2 x 10³(FS)/ 24h
- Auxiliary electrode: Plastic Structure; constant: 1.0cm^-1
- Temperature compensation component: NTC
- Temperature compensation: Automatic compensation with 25 as the reference temperature.
- Medium temperature: 5~50°C
- Thread dimension: 1/2" pipe thread
- Cable composition: RVP+coaxial 75-2 double shielding
- Cable length: 5 m.~ 30 m.
- LCD display: 3.5 Bit
- Power rating: AC220V 10% 60Hz with <1 consumption
- Slot dimension for installation: 45 x91 (length x width)